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观热点:双语海报 | 看!赣州文明的样子!Ganzhou, a Civilized City

2023-03-17 17:17:40 来源:赣南日报

文明是一座城市的内在气质,赋予城市生生不息的发展动力。Civilization is the inner temperament of a city, which gives the city endless driving forces for development.

文明是一座城市的幸福底色,彰显群众节节攀升的生活品质。Civilization is the bottom color of happiness in a city, highlighting the rising quality of people’s life.

把文明当成习惯,把习惯凝聚成力量,让赣州文明之花绽放得更加绚烂。Take civilization as a habit, condense habits into strength, and let the flower of civilization bloom more brilliantly in Ganzhou.


编辑:张安然 曾晶 宋亚丽 实习生蓝健溪



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